In-Home Care in New York - (2025)

With lakes, beaches, mountain retreats and big cities, New York is one state that really does have it all. There’s no shortage of amenities for retirees who enjoy art, culture, outdoor recreation, entertainment and sports. The Empire State has a number of practical advantages for older adults too.

Although the cost of living is about 20% higher than the national average, health care is relatively affordable, and residents have access to some of the nation’s best hospitals, including New York-Presbyterian, Mount Sinai and NYU Langone. Additionally, the state has more than 1,300 home care agencies that can give you the freedom to receive some helpful services in the comfort of your own home without the need to give up your friends, neighbors and all the comforts that you’ve come to enjoy. These services cost $5,339 to $5,529 per month depending on whether you’re receiving nonmedical in-home care or doctor-recommended home health care services.

The remainder of this guide takes a look at long-term care costs across New York state and the Northeast. It also provides an overview of financial assistance programs, Medicaid eligibility and free resources that you can start using today.

The Cost of In-Home Care in New York

According to Genworth Financial’s 2021 Cost of Care Survey, which has been tracking long-term care prices for over 15 years, you can expect to pay $5,339 per month for nonmedical in-home assistance in New York. Although prices in the Empire State are almost $400 higher than the national average, it offers a good value for the region. Prices are about $100 cheaper in Connecticut; however, they climb as high as $5,911 in Massachusetts. Vermont’s rates are about $400 higher at $5,720, and seniors in New Jersey pay $190 more per month of care at $5,529.

New York


The United States


New Jersey










New York has 10 economic and geographic regions ranging from New York City to the Finger Lakes, so there’s some price variation when it comes to home care rates. Buffalo and Utica are among the most affordable major cities for in-home care. Rates are also lower than the state average in Albany’s Capital Region at $5,148. If you live in the greater New York City metropolitan area, expect to pay slightly more than the state average. Other cities with above-average rates include Rochester at $5,720, Syracuse at $5,911 and Ithaca at $6,101. Worker availability, travel time and expenses and other factors may affect prices in these locations.















In-home care may or may not be the best option for your needs and budget. In some cases, assisted living is more affordable. The median cost for assisted living in New York is $4,580 per month, which is similar to the national average. Adult day health care costs $1,907 if you’d rather travel to a community center instead of having caregivers come to you. For seniors who require medical monitoring, rehabilitative therapy and other services, home care can be significantly cheaper than skilled nursing facilities, which cost $12,775 per month.

In-Home Care


Home Health Care


Nursing Home Care


Assisted Living


Adult Day Health Care


Does Medicaid Cover Home Care in New York?

New York offers an array of home care programs through regular Medicaid and federally approved waivers. Depending on your needs, you may be eligible for personal care, homemaker services, medical assistance and related supports to help you age in place. Expanded service plans may be available to individuals with more advanced needs. In-home care is covered by the Personal Care Services Program, the Self-Directed Personal Care Services Program and the Managed Long Term Care system. Individuals who don’t qualify for Medicaid can access in-home assistance through a state-sponsored program called Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly Program. Additionally, the state offers several waivers that cover in-home care.

Home Care Waiver Programs in New York State

Home and Community-Based Services Waiver/Long-Term Home Health Care Program

New York’s HCBS/LTHHCP waiver provides coordinated care to help frail adults avoid nursing home placement and remain in their own homes. It’s available to adults who are eligible for Medicaid, require a nursing home level of care and can safely age in place as determined by an in-home assessment and doctor’s recommendation. The program includes coordinated care and case management services. You must receive at least one covered service every 30 days to remain on the program, but your plan of care may not exceed the cost of a nursing home. Services are delivered by participating agencies. Contact your local Department of Social Services to learn more.

Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Medicaid Waiver

The NHTD waiver provides self-directed, community-based care that empowers seniors and disabled adults to take control over the services that they receive. Covered supports are designed to promote participants’ safety, health and independence while helping them leave or avoid institutional care. Services include respite care, transition assistance, in-home medical care, delivered meals and home modifications. You must be aged 65 or older or disabled, require a nursing home level of care and qualify for community-based Medicaid to be approved. Individuals who currently live in a nursing home should talk to their discharge planners about this program. Referrals should be made to your Regional Resource and Development Center or Open Doors, the New York Association on Independent Living.

How to Know if You’re Eligible for Medicaid in New York State

Medicaid is designed to support individuals who have the greatest medical or financial need for care, so there are strict income and asset limits. For most programs, your monthly income must be at or below $934 or $1,367 for one or two-person households respectively. This means that your annual income must be approximately $11,200 or $16,400 per year or less. New York’s asset limits are more generous than many states. You can qualify for full medical care and long-term care if you own no more than $16,800 individually or $24,600 as a couple. However, your estate may be responsible for repaying some of your long-term care expenses.

2022 Medicaid Income Limits for Seniors in New York

Income limits*Asset limits

*Per year

  • Reside in New York
  • Provide proof of citizenship or immigration
  • Demonstrate a need for care
  • Be aged or disabled
  • Have limited income

How to Apply for Medicaid in New York State

There are several ways to apply for Medicaid in New York. Individuals who are aged 64 or younger should visit the NY State of Health, the state’s official health care marketplace, or call the Medicaid Helpline at (800) 541-2831.

If you’re aged 65 or older or have a disability, your eligibility is not based solely on your modified adjusted gross income. The easiest way to apply for Medicaid long-term care is by contacting your local Department of Social Services. You can review a printed copy of the application and supplement online. Completed applications can be submitted to your nearest DSS office.

What Information You Will Need

Be prepared to provide a variety of information about yourself and other members of your household when you apply. Here are a few items that you may need.

  • Personal details
  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of residence
  • Family information
  • Existing health coverage
  • Citizenship or immigration history
  • Health or disability information
  • Sources of income
  • Housing and expenses
  • Financial resources
  • Medicare eligibility

How to Get Help Applying for Medicaid

If you aren’t sure how to apply or if you need one-on-one assistance, contact the following agencies. Help is available through the Department of Health, the Office on Aging and various other local partners.

ProgramContactAreaServedServices provided
NYS Medicaid Helpline(800) 541-2831StatewideFor general information about Medicaid, including help with applications, eligibility concerns and covered services, contact the Medicaid Helpline Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Medicaid Assistors(800) 698-4543LocalApplying for Medicaid is a complex process. The application asks for a variety of information about your household, including income and expenses, and you must provide documentation. Medicaid Assistors can help you complete the process.
Department of Social ServicesSee Local ListingsBy CountyTo apply for Medicaid in person or to speak with a case manager about your situation, contact the Department of Social Services.
NYC Human Resources Administration(718) 577-1399Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten IslandIf you live in one of New York City's five boroughs, contact the Human Resources Administration for help with your Medicaid application or for assistance with other government benefits that can be used for food, housing and other essentials.
Office of Fair Hearings(518) 474-8781StatewideIf you believe that your Medicaid application has been improperly denied, you have a right to appeal. You can request a fair hearing online or by phone, mail or phone.

Does Medicare Cover In-Home Care in New York?

In general, Medicare does not cover the cost of non-medical home care. That being said, there are situations in which Medicare provides some coverage for medical home care, referred to as “Home Healthcare.” There are several eligibility restrictions for coverage, including that individuals must be homebound and have a referral from their doctor specifically for home healthcare services.

Below is an overview of some of the skilled medical professionals whose in-home services are typically covered by Medicare – for more in-depth information, refer to our Guide to Home Healthcare.

  • Physical Therapists: Physical therapy is used to help patients recover from injuries (broken bones, knee injuries, etc.), treat ongoing conditions such as arthritis, and assist in recovery from surgeries and procedures such as a knee or hip replacement.
  • Visiting Nurses: Licensed nurses can provide a number of medical services for those who don’t need to stay in the hospital, but do need regular medical services such as wound care, changing feeding tubes, etc.
  • Occupational Therapists: Occupational therapists help seniors regain or maintain the ability to accomplish normal, daily tasks, such as bathing, dressing, eating, and other daily activities.
  • Speech Therapists: Speech therapists help seniors who are struggling to adequately communicate due to a stroke, dementia, or any other cause regain the ability to functionally communicate using a variety of means. Additionally, speech therapists help to keep seniors independent by modifying diets, teaching special techniques to swallow safely, and retraining associated muscles.

As mentioned above, in-home care is distinctly different from home healthcare. But, there can be some overlap in services between the two types of care. So, while Medicare doesn’t cover non-medical in-home care, there are in-home care services that may be covered in special circumstances when they’re provided in conjunction with home healthcare (such as an occupational therapist helping with eating or dressing)

Other Financial Assistance Options for In-Home Care in New York

While the above programs help many people finance in-home care, they will not cover all costs for everyone. There are other ways to pay for in-home care, including out-of-pocket arrangements with siblings, annuities, reverse mortgages, private insurance and more. Read’s Guide to In-Home Care Costs to learn more about these alternative payment options.

Free and Low-Cost Resources for Seniors in New York

Thanks to government agencies and nonprofit groups, helpful resources may be available in your city or your neighborhood. Learn more about some of the programs that can help you age in place.

New York State Office for the Aging(844) 697-6321StatewideThe Office of the Aging supports age-qualified programs at the state and local levels. It's a comprehensive resource for information about Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs, housing, healthy aging and ways for seniors to stay active in their community. You can contact the OAC to reach your county office.
New York Foundation for Senior Citizens(212) 962-7559NYC and BeyondBased in New York City, the NYFSC operates several senior seniors and provides an array of supportive services to older adults. It offers home safety audits and repairs, free transportation, respite care, information and referrals. NYFSC serves more than 1,300 home care clients, and other programs are available to adults who aren't eligible for Medicaid.
RESTORE211By AreaKnown as RESTORE, Residential Emergency Services to Offer (Home) Repairs to the Elderly is administered by the Department of Home and Community Renewal. It provides emergency assistance to seniors aged 60 or older who are facing urgent repairs or need to correct code violations. Your household income cannot exceed 100% of the area's median.
Home Energy Assistance Program(800) 342-3009StatewideSeniors who depend on a fixed income and need help paying their monthly utility bills or refilling the fuel tank may qualify for the Home Energy Assistance Program. It may even help with the cost of a furnace repair or replacement that's out of your budget. Your income must be approximately $43,828 per year or less for a two-person household.
Weatherization Assistance Program(518) 474-5700StatewideNew York is famous for its harsh winters and balmy summers, leading to higher-than-normal energy bills. This program helps low-income homeowners and renters pay for energy-efficient upgrades. Repairs can address health and safety issues in addition to lowering your energy bills.
Center for Elder Law and Justice(844) 481-0973Buffalo/StatewideThis Buffalo-based legal aid center operates a free helpline for residents aged 55 and older. Its attorneys focus on helping callers with issues that affect older adults, such as health care, housing, government benefits, personal rights and deceptive business practices.

In-Home Care Laws and Regulations in New York

The New York State Department of Health oversees and regulates licensed home care service agencies throughout the state. These agencies can contract with Medicaid and Medicare to provide care to recipients or work with clients who self-pay or use private insurance companies. Below, we provide a brief synopsis of the primary laws regulating in-home care in New York.

Scope of CareHome care service agencies licensed with the New York DOH may provide nursing, home health aide and personal care services within a client's home. Services should aim to maintain or improve clients' health or reduce the impact of disabilities or illness.
Care Plan RequirementsFor individuals receiving Medicaid Managed Care, a care plan should be developed following a thorough assessment that determines whether a client requires scheduled or unscheduled personal care services, identifies their varying day and nighttime needs and considers any informal supports already in place.
Medication Management requirementsHome care workers who assist clients with activities of daily living (Level II personal care services as defined by Medicaid) may help clients self-administer medications. This can include bringing the client their medications and any related supplies at the recommended administration times.
Staff Screening RequirementsAgencies must request criminal history checks and statements disclosing any history of abuse toward patients or residents from all prospective employees.
Staff Training RequirementsThe DOH requires home care workers to complete a state-approved training and provides a list of education and training programs here.
Medicaid CoverageMembers of Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plans will receive full or partial coverage toward in-home care services.
Reporting AbuseIndividuals may issue complaints about home care agencies directly to the DOH by calling the Home Health Hotline at 1-800-628-5972 or emailing

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Find an In-Home Care Provider in New York

Whether you are looking for yourself or a loved one, finding a quality home care provider can be a stressful process. When you hire an in-home care aide you’re placing a lot of trust in the hands of the person by inviting them into your home, so you’ll want to be diligent in your search. At, we’re here to help – we’ve created a helpful checklist below that can help guide you through the process of both determining your needs and finding a home care agency that will provide the best care possible.


In-Home Care in New York - (1)

In-Home Care in New York - (2)

Find Home Care Agencies Near You

To find quality home care providers near you, simply input the zip code or city where you would like to start your search. We have an extensive directory of home care agencies all across the nation that includes in-depth information about each provider and hundreds of thousands of reviews from seniors and their loved ones.

Home Care in New York

13 Results

Right at Home Albany, NY

125 Wolf Rd, Ste 508, Albany, NY, 12205

  • In-Home Care in New York - (8)


(53 reviews)

"When investigating agencies that would be able to provide in-home care for our 88 year old Mother, my sister and I were impressed with the Right at Home team. The entire staff was extremely responsive to calls and requests and did a fantastic job mat..."


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  • In-Home Care in New York - (9)

Home Instead - Albany, NY

1 Rapp Rd, Suite B, Albany, NY, 12203


(8 reviews)

"I have been using Home Instead Albany for my father for the last four months. Home Instead has allowed us to provide him with a schedule of a consistent caregiver who he really has developed a good relationship with. It is helpful to our family to..."


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392 Albany Ave, Kingston, NY, 12401


(6 reviews)

"We are former clients of Genessa Home Care. My brother, and I could not be happier with the services provided by Genessa. After our father died we were in a very difficult situation, trying to care for a mother, but Genessa was very accommodating to ..."


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In-Home Care in New York - (28)

Touching Hearts at Home - Capital District

13 British American Blvd, Suite 2, Albany, NY, 12110

  • In-Home Care in New York - (29)


(77 reviews)

"We have been using Touching Heart for over six months now. Basically, they do light cleaning, companion service, and they feed my mom and they fix her meals. There's more than one caregiver, and so far, it's been good. They're attentive. Their schedu..."


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  • In-Home Care in New York - (30)

Interim HealthCare of Albany, NY

1735 Central Ave., Albany, NY, 12205

"Home health care services from Interim allow individuals to stay safe, independent, and engaged while remaining in their own homes. We offe..."


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Attentive Care

5 Computer Dr W, Albany, NY, 12205

"Providing screened and bonded Home Companions for the elderly on an hourly, daily and live in basis throughout the Capital District and Long..."


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Home Helpers of Hudson Valley

1654 Columbia Turnpike, Castleton On Hudson, NY, 12033


(1 reviews)

"We're using Home Helpers of Hudson Valley for my mother. They do light housework, transportation, and shopping. She comes in three hours, two days a week. We're satisfied...."


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In-Home Care in New York - (44)

Maxim Healthcare Albany, NY

159 Wolf Rd , Suite #105, Albany, NY, 12205

"Maxim Healthcare Services has more than 20 years of providing solutions that improve health and quality of life for those in need of in-home..."


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Interim HealthCare of Valatie, NY

1042 B Kinderhook St., Valatie, NY, 12184

"Home health care services from Interim allow individuals to stay safe, independent, and engaged while remaining in their own homes. We offe..."


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In-Home Care in New York - (53)

Rely Health Care - Schenectady

1756 Union Street, Schenectady, NY, 12309

"Since 1985, Rely Health Care has been providing quality, compassionate home care services in the Schenectady, NY area. Rely is part of the C..."


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164 Lincoln Hwy, Fairless Hills, PA, 19030

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In-Home Care in New York - (63)

Belvedere Home Care

1 VanTromp Street , Albany, NY, 12207

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In-Home Care in New York - (64)

Visiting Nurses Home Care

28 Colvin Ave , Albany, NY, 12206

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Home Care in New York


Adams Basin














Annandale On Hudson




Ardsley On Hudson






Atlantic Beach



Bakers Mills



Albany County

Bronx County

Broome County

Cattaraugus County

Cayuga County

Chautauqua County

Chemung County

Columbia County

Dutchess County

Erie County

Fulton County

Greene County

Kings County

Livingston County

Monroe County

Montgomery County

Nassau County

New York County

Niagara County

Oneida County

Onondaga County

Ontario County

Orange County

Orleans County

Oswego County

Putnam County

Queens County

Rensselaer County

Richmond County

Rockland County

Saratoga County

Schenectady County

Schoharie County

Suffolk County

Sullivan County

Tompkins County

Ulster County

Warren County

Washington County

Wayne County

Westchester County

Wyoming County

In-Home Care in New York - (2025)


How much does in-home care cost per hour in New York? ›

Hourly Rates for Home Care in NYC

Home care costs in NYC can vary based on several factors, including the level of care needed and the services required. On average, home care in NYC can range from $24 to $35 per hour, which is higher than the national average of $20 per hour.

How do family caregivers get paid in New York? ›

Getting Paid as a Caregiver in New York
  1. Medicaid Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Program.
  2. Non-Medicaid Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program.
  3. Veteran's Aid & Attendance Pension.
  4. Veteran Directed Care Program.
  5. Long Term Care Insurance.
  6. Paid Family Leave Benefits Law (PFLBL)

What is the home care program in NY? ›

You can get care at home instead of moving into a nursing home. Different types of care include a home nurse, house cleaning, physical therapy, and more depending on your needs. All programs require that you be eligible for Medicaid. Services are available for children and adults.

Does New York have IHSS? ›

Program Description

The state of New York offers a program called Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly or EISEP for short.

Does Medicare pay for a home assistant? ›

Home health aide: Medicare pays in full for an aide if you require skilled care (skilled nursing or therapy services). A home health aide provides personal care services, including help with bathing, toileting, and dressing.

What is the minimum wage for a home care aide in NY? ›

Beginning October 1, 2022, through Public Health Law § 3614c, the minimum wage for home care aides was increased to $17.00 per hour in New York City, Long Island, and Westchester, and $15.20 per hour for the remainder of New York State.

Does Medicare pay for family caregivers in NY? ›

Medicare does not offer reimbursement for family caregivers. It also doesn't provide payment for long-term care services like in-home care or adult day services. There are a few Medicare Advantage plans that offer coverage for services such as meal delivery or rides to medical appointments, but these are limited.

How to get paid by the government to take care of a family member? ›

Become a paid caregiver through a state Medicaid program

Many states call this a consumer-directed personal assistance program. Each state has different requirements and rules. And the amount the program pays you to care for a family member varies by state. Contact your state's Medicaid office for more information.

What states pay you to take care of a family member? ›

Thirteen states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington—and the District of Columbia have enacted laws that provide paid family leave for employees who need time off to care for family members who are ill or have ...

Does Medicaid pay for home care in NY? ›

Home Care programs are Medicaid-funded long-term-care programs designed to help eligible elderly or disabled individuals remain safely at home, rather than in a nursing home. Home Care programs have different eligibility requirements, but they all require that you be eligible for Medicaid.

Can you get a HHA certificate online in NY? ›

SBS has partnered with the City University of New York (CUNY) to offer a no-cost, online Home Health Aide (HHA) training and certification program developed to support the long-term care workforce during the COVID-19 public health emergency and beyond.

What are the duties of a home health aide? ›

Assist clients in their daily personal tasks, such as bathing or dressing. Perform housekeeping tasks, such as laundry, washing dishes, and vacuuming. Help to organize a client's schedule and plan appointments. Arrange transportation to doctors' offices or other outings.

Can a family member get paid to be a caregiver in New York? ›

Consumers can hire almost anyone that is legally allowed to work to be their caregiver, including most family members and friends. Those caregivers can then get paid to take care of their family members or friends. However, there are some exceptions.

How much does IHSS pay in New York? ›

Ihss Salary in New York
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$41,573$20
75th Percentile$37,700$18
25th Percentile$32,800$16

Can you get IHSS and Social Security? ›

Eligibility is assessed with an evaluation regarding whether your child needs the services it provides to stay safely in your own home as an alternative to out-of-home placement. Can you keep your SSI and still apply for IHSS? Yes.

What is the rate for caregivers in NYC? ›

As of July 2024, the average starting rate for a caregiver in New York, NY is $22.11 per hour. The weekly cost for a caregiver working a 40-hour week in New York, NY is $884 while the monthly cost is approximately $2,874 for 130 hours of work.

What is the average monthly cost for assisted living in NY? ›

In 2021, according to Genworth's Cost of Care Survey 2020, the average cost of assisted living in New York is $5,991 / month. However, the costliest area of the state far exceeds this, which is Ithaca at $13,500 / month.

How much does 24 7 in home care cost per month in USA? ›

The monthly median cost of 24-hour home care is around $21,823. This includes multiple caregivers working in shifts and available at all times. Other senior care types may be less costly than 24-hour home care. Assisted living is typically less expensive than hiring round-the-clock in-home caregivers.

Does Medicare pay for assisted living in New York? ›

Does Medicare Cover Assisted Living in NYC? The straightforward answer is no; Medicare does not typically cover the costs of assisted living in New York City or elsewhere in the United States.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.