Isekai Trip ~with a slave harem~ ch.28 (2024)

Weekly chapters (1/2)

Enjoy the chapter~

Translator: Raizu
Editor: Shirayuki

Chapter 29 – Failed Weapon

A drinking party was being held in the hall of the inn.
The subjugation team turned back immediately after the Zarg was subjugated, but we did not return to the Gothi town until after midnight.
After hearing what had happened, the gate guards were willing to open the gates after hours, but it seems that some of the merchants and the guards, who wanted to leave tomorrow, decided to stay up all night and make a fuss.
A drinking party began in the hall while calculating the distribution of the income obtained from this subjugation.
I think it’s interfering with the inn’s business, but…well, I wonder if they’ll tolerate it today. Even though the Zarg’s damage was concentrated on merchants, the residents of the town were also afraid that the local area would be affected at any moment.

[It has a wonderful physique.]

[Isn’t it one, maybe two times bigger than a normal Zarg? You guys did well in defeating it.]

Before I knew it, the merchants who had only sent out bodyguards and did not directly participate in the subjugation had joined in and were looking at the Zarg’s body.
The person who made the most contribution to the subjugation was the water mage old man who was chosen without question. Apparently he can get any one material he wants.
I don’t know what I did, but my ability to dodge and slash was said to be amazing, and some people around me said they were grateful for the defensive magic, so I was recognized for my accomplishments.
Even though I had no intention of doing any active role, I had a strange feeling that I was playing into Dentre’s palm.
Still, I was given the right to choose the material for the first time, so I took the remaining nails. I could have used the beak, but that was after it had already been sold.

As I was smiling as I received my left and right nails, the old man stopped me and handed me a cloth bag.

[What’s this?]

[Don’t make too loud of a noise. It’s the magic stone.]


I barely suppressed my voice and when I checked the bag, there was indeed a green magic stone inside.

[Old man, did you choose the magic stone?]

[Right. I did it for you.]


This time, I felt like I was going to make a sound.

[W, what do you mean?]

[Why, I’m a retired person. Besides, from my perspective, you were the one who decided the flow of battle, so I thought you had the right to take it.]

Indeed, it seemed that a decisive opening had been created by the sudden attack after the emergency dodge. It was only after receiving the subsequent attack that it stopped moving, so it didn’t make much of a statement.

[Th, thank you.]

[It’s just the right thing to do.]

The old man grinned and patted me on the shoulder. Then, he tipped his glass and laughed out loud.

[Anyway, even though you’re a 『Magic Swordsman』, you only use defensive magic, and also wind magic in a strange way. It was quite interesting.]


Did the old man also see through my ruse? The fact that I’m not a 『Magic Swordsman』 may also be revealed. I talked to the old man while feeling cold sweat flowing down my face.

[Old man, are you part of the escort groups?]

[Hmm, I’m just a retired old man who lives comfortably here in the town of Gothi.]

[I was wondering why you were the only one having grayish hair in the group… were you part of a warrior group once?]

[That’s about it. This time, I was asked to help a group of young people who were bent on subjugating a monster. I pulled this guy out to see if I could do it once in a while.]

The old man strokes the tip of his cane with his hand. That cane…

[Oldman, do you know anything about this sword?]

I pulled out the long sword with its sheath from my waist and presented it to him. When the old man took it, he pulled the blade out of its scabbard to see what it was, but then he put it back and handed it back to me.

[Isn’t that some kind of magic sword?]

[Magic sword…?]

[This cane is also a magic cane. It has been processed to make it easier to use magic. Isn’t that sword yours the same?]

[No, it wasn’t originally mine, but I happened to obtain it recently. I was surprised at how much easier it was to use magic when wielding it.]

[It’s just a matter of luck. There are many magic weapons, but being a 『Magic Swordsman』 who happens to have a magic sword is too good to be true.]

[Well, about the magic sword, it’s indeed just my luck.]

I wonder if Joyceman knew about this?
…I don’t think so.
Perhaps it was a high-class weapon that he stole somewhere was a substitute made for the『Magic Swordsman』. Lost treasure, pearls for pigs, magic sword for Joyceman. It’s in better hands now. Let’s put it to good use. …Well, I’m also not a『Magic Swordsman』though.

[However, you should be careful with maintaining it.]

[Oh? For the time being I’m maintaining it like I do a normal sword. Do I need to do anything extra since it’s a magic sword?]

[That’s true. Besides, I think it’s better to have the magic circuit adjusted periodically at a magic tool shop.]

A magic tool shop? There’s also the matter of the magic gun, so I’ll be sure to stop by next time when I’m in a big city.

[Thank you, old man. Is it really alright for me to receive the magic stone as well?]

[It’s alright, it’s alright. From what I see, it should fetch for a pretty good price, so just use it to pay for maintaining your sword.]

[Yeah, I’ll do just that.]

What a nice old man. There are people like Joyceman, people like Elliott, and people like this old man. Maybe that’s the real pleasure of traveling. While grateful, I pretended to put the bag containing the magic stone in my pocket and stored it in another dimension.
That day, I drank just one drink, which was rare, and secretly wished the old man a long and good life.


The trading city of Satalite.
If the Port City of Auguri-Cures is a base for maritime trade, Satalite is a base for land trade.
It doesn’t seem to have a large population, but it controls the main artery that connects the Royal Capital to the south and west, and when you pass through the gate, you’ll see a huge parking facility.
Dozens of horse-drawn carriages are stored there, loaded with luggage, and set off somewhere.
In modern Earth terms, it’s like a hub airport.

We bid farewell to Dentre and his group who have journeyed with us this far. Originally, I had signed in to only participate this far.
I felt like Dentre was paying attention to me a little too much, so I thought there might be talk of making me an exclusive employee, but that didn’t happen.

[Are you sure you’re heading west?]

[Yes. I’m heading to the sacred ground of monster hunting.]

[It’s a shame. If possible, I would have asked you to escort me after this.]

[I appreciate the offer, but…]

[Haha, well, I wouldn’t say it’s impossible. If we head towards Taraleskin, I might send out a request to collect materials, but in that case, I’ll try to call you.]

[Yes, until next time.]

I don’t know if it’s just pleasantries or if he’s serious, but it’s a welcome increase in connections with merchants, albeit on a small scale. Dentre pays well and seems to have a good head.

[Well, this will be your reward this time.]

[Oh, are you sure?]

The cloth bag he gave me contained 50 silver coins.

[I calculated that the basic reward would be 10 coins, and the success reward would be the same amount of 10 coins. Then, as a risk allowance in the middle, you would get 10 coins for the thieves attack, and then 20 coins for the subjugation request I received the other day.]

[I see.]

The basic salary was calculated as half a silver coin per day in the contract. The daily wage of 5,000 yen may seem cheap, as we are detained all day long and our lives are at risk, but it is actually not.
They will pay for your meals and other miscellaneous expenses, save you money for your trip, and then you will receive money. Even 5,000 yen can be considered a good deal.

[But, how did I get 20 silver coins for the subjugation? Honestly, I think the merchants would have defeated the Zarg even if I didn’t do anything, so it’s actually unnecessary.]

[No, that’s fine. I was able to get a share of some of the materials and rewards for the subjugation, but if you look only at the money, I’m indeed in the red. However, I gained the reputation and credibility of cooperating with the subjugation. Things like that cannot be bought later even with gold coins.]

[I see. It’s like investing money to buy trust… I’m sorry for your loss.]

It seems that merchants have their own circ*mstances. Yoyo didn’t pursue it any further and thankfully disguised putting the silver coin into his own backpack while actually stashing it away in another dimension.

Dentre didn’t explain that much, but in reality, what he was getting from the subjugation scene was not only the trust of those who were also participating.

『Magic Swordsman』can be said to be a job reserved for aristocrats. Even though it wasn’t exclusive, he showed to the fellow merchants that he had hired a 『Magic Swordsman』 from somewhere, and advertised that he had connections with aristocrats.
The other merchants who saw this even thought that perhaps some noble family had asked him to take care of their son who had left home. Dentre led them to think that way. Among his fellow merchants in the east, he may gain the reputation of having “strong connections to the aristocracy”, and come to be respected…

Whether he takes advantage of that reputation or kills it will depend on how Dentre uses it in the future.
Of course, Dentre thought about hiring Yoyo permanently, but he couldn’t decide because of the risk of a noble family coming out if he did something wrong, and the risk of letting Yoyo die. Even if he had suggested it, Yoyo would definitely have turned it down.
Dentre watched Yoyo leave with somewhat mixed feelings.


[Fitting for a trading city, it’s really lively~]

[Lots of horse-drawn carriages.]


Yoyo and Sasha were wandering around town in an upturned state. Perhaps Don was interested in the new environment, or maybe it couldn’t sleep due to the hustle and bustle, but it peeked out from the backpack and cried something.
This is not the time to enjoy the feeling of traveling. First, let’s start with the mercenary guild…

[Hmm~, nothing of note here…]

When I found the sword mark and entered the mercenary guild, there was a job ticket in front of the individual mercenary registration desk. I immediately looked for a job as an escort heading west, but I couldn’t find any.

[What kind of request are you looking for?]

A young man behind the counter spoke to me.

[Well, I was thinking of accepting the offer if it was an escort for a merchant caravan heading to the sacred ground of monster hunting.]

[Escort, you say? I think that’ll be a little difficult.]

[Why is that?]

[Yes. Theba is the sacred ground for monster hunting. Escorts going back and forth there are often contracted with large mercenary groups. Small merchant caravans usually hire in places like the Royal Capital. Or else they usually hire in Theba.]

[So, the place is called Theba. Is there nobody here hiring to go there…?]

[There aren’t that many, unless some unforeseen situation arises. Private mercenaries around here head to Theba when they have a free spot, and there aren’t many who go out of their way to wait at Satalite, which is a relay point.]

[I see.]

Was the escort transfer operation a failure? Even if it took a little time, I probably should have searched the port city for a request to escort the merchant caravan to Theba.

[What do people who head to Theba normally use to go there?]

[There’s a regular horse-drawn carriage, so you can ride it there.’]

[So it’s like the omnibus. No request to escort it?]

[Hmm, such things are done by warrior groups, or private companies contract with mercenary groups. In the case of small, unofficial horse-drawn carriages, they don’t ask for escorts because it’s cheap and at your own risk.]

(So there’s also “white taxi”* here) (*TL Note: “Shirotaku”. Pretty much unlicensed taxi with white license plate, which is supposedly meant for privately owned car)

[…In that case, it would be better to pay the normal amount and become a passenger.]

[Well, I think it would be alright to head there on foot, but considering safety, a shared carriage would probably be the safest option, yes.]

[Alright then. I’d like to earn that money, but are there any short-term jobs I can take here?]

[Short-term jobs? …please wait a moment.]

When he picked up the work slip, the young man grunted as he flipped it through.

[How about this? It’s an unusual job. Helping with gathering medicinal herbs.]


I got a job that was very game-like. It’s more emotional content now.

[Are you interested? Well, it seems like they’re going to a shallow part of the nearby mountain, so they need protection from monsters and dangerous animals. They also want someone to carry luggage, so they’ve submitted a request. One day. So basically 30 copper coins.]

[That cheap!?]

[I-is that so? Then, how about this? Helping with the construction of the new castle wall.]

[Construction of the new castle wall?]

[Yes, the work will be done outside the walls, so it seems that they are recruiting mercenaries because they need to have some self-defense ability. Even if you work as a temporary worker, it will pay for 60 to 80 copper coins a day. ]

[Hmm, manual labor? Isn’t 60 copper coins cheap?]

[Still no? It’s temporary manual labor, so it’s actually the average rate.]


[For additional information, I’m a mage. Do you have any requests that fit me?]

[So, you’re a mage?]

The young man was staring at me, wondering. I know what you want to say.

[You’re going to say that I don’t look the part, aren’t you? I’m aware of that, but it’s the truth.]

[I see… Excuse me. Oh, then can you make magic tools?]

[Magic tool? It would be impossible for me right now.]

[Really? Well, we’ve been receiving high-value requests to create or repair magic tools.]

[Mercenaries also do that kind of job?]

[I don’t think it was originally true. Some of the private mercenaries have different backgrounds, so I think they just came around just to be sure.]

[I see…]

[Or, how about the construction work outside the wall? If you’re a mage, you might be able to negotiate a pay increase.]

[You sure?]

[Yes. Can you use earth magic?]

[Earth magic? Yes, I can.]

[Hard soil… Well, think of it as soil that becomes hard when magic is passed through it. If you can work on molding it, I think the wall construction site will definitely want it.]


Hard soil…? It looks like it would be a good place to practice earth magic, so let’s give it a try I guess?

[Will they mind if I bring a slave with me?]

[You’re going to bring slaves in? Well, I don’t think they’ll pay for the slave, but that should be alright.]

[Oh, I don’t mind. Just go through the story.]

[In that case, please come to the counter again tomorrow morning. It has not been decided yet, so please understand that.]

[Oh, I know. I don’t mind if the offer goes away.]

At that point, it was time to head west. …That’s right, it looks like he’ll give me an answer, so let’s ask him while I’m at it.

[Is there a library in this town?]

[I don’t think there was. I’m not very knowledgeable about it, so there might be small ones somewhere…]

[I see. So, what about a magic tool shop? A place that also sells magic swords.]

[There is, but I think it’s easy to find because there’s a flashy signboard that says『Tele’s Sword Market』. They have a fairly complete range of weapon-related magic tools.]

[I see, thank you. That was helpful. I’ll start looking for it right away.]

As I turned my head to check the main street, I found the place I was looking for with a really flashy sign.

[…It’s much easier than I expected.]

The entirety of Tele’s Sword Market was decorated with what looked like shiny lights, giving it a pink atmosphere.
No, I only see it that way because I’m stuck in Earth’s common sense. I’m sure it’s a tasteful decoration to the people of this world.

[…Wow, that’s flashy.]

It might be different because Sasha was also saying it.


Don retreated back inside the backpack, as if the excessive light hurt its eyes. Yeah, well, let’s get in quickly. We shouldn’t be able to see the glaring sign anymore once we’re inside.

When we entered, I saw a large number of magic tools lined up against the walls of the spacious space. However, the layout is oddly sparse, and there aren’t many things.
I could see what appeared to be a store employee, but it seemed like he was attending to other customers, so I went to look around on my own.
…In each space, there is one thing that looks like a magic tool, and its explanation is emphasized with something like a pop-up. There also appears to be a sheet of paper with a detailed explanation written on it. I see. There are free samples lined up.

[They don’t actually have anything for sale…It might have been a mobile phone shop or something like that.]

I skimmed through the explanations of some magic tools. Hmm, cosmetic products that generate mist and a bag with a refrigeration function? I wonder where the weapons are.

[It is interesting.]

Sasha also picked up some magic tools and looked at them intently. What if she says she wants cosmetics? I had some extra income, so I could buy something cheap for her.

[Oh, there is another customer! Someone please attend to them~]

A girl came out from the back of the store…the first young man noticed her and called out to her. I heard a long, drawn-out voice, and a woman wearing an apron came running towards me.

[Hah, hah… I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. What are you looking for?”

[Ah, where is the section for magic tools for battle?]

[In that case, it will be on the second floor. The first floor is where new magic tools are displayed for merchants.]

[Oh, so that’s why.]

[Yes, at the owner’s suggestion… Let’s go up the stairs over there for now. Please follow me!]

When I followed the apron girl to the second floor, I saw a lot of military magic tools that looked like they were used for battle. From the bottom up, it’s all cluttered, like you’ve come to a thrift store.

[Please sit in this chair. Do you have any specific requests? If you let me know, I will look for them.]

[Hmm? Ah, it’s not that expensive, right? Do you have any magic tools for defense?]

[Is it for defense? Yes, I’ll look for it.]

[Can we also look at things around there? We’ll make sure we don’t damage anything.]

[Of course. Just to be clear, all of the items out there are equipped with anti-theft magic tools, so if you try to take them downstairs, the alarm will go off, so please be careful. ]

[Oh, is there such a convenient thing? I understand.]

Anti-theft? In a world where public safety is not always so good, this is probably a must-have facility. By giving a warning like this, you are actually preventing theft while also promoting the store’s products. The store owner has good foresight.

While I’m waiting, I tried to find something I’ve heard about, which is not a magic gun, but a magic staff.
I think it’s probably correct to say that a magic staff uses magic stones rather than the user’s magic power to perform attacks like a magic gun, but…
There are many magic tools that look like canes, but there are no parts that look like magic stone intakes. Are these just like the “magic staff” that the old water mage had?
Magic staffs seem to be more common than magic guns in this country. In fact I don’t think guns even exist here in the first place.
Sasha remained still in her chair. Maybe she doesn’t have much interest in weapons. She’s just a girl after all.

[Sorry to keep you waiting, are you looking for something? Here are some small defensive magic tools.]

[Ah, I’ve heard that magic staffs are useful, so I was wondering what they would be like. I’m not planning on buying one today, but just out of curiosity.]

[The magic staff is not here. It is kept in a separate space because it is handled a lot.]

[Is that so?]

[Would you like to take a look at it later? First, let’s look for the item you requested.]


A clerk wearing an apron… What the apron girl brought was various magic tools called magic shields that can be activated according to the owner’s will. Then there’s the collar that raises the defense parameter. And then a bracelet that automatically intercepted magic.

The price increased with subsequent items. Since they didn’t know my budget, I guess they deliberately put together a variety of price ranges.

[Magic Shield is quite popular. There are various types of accessories such as rings, bracelets, chokers, necklaces, combs, etc. If you put a magic stone in it, it will activate magic with its magical power.]

[It runs on magic stones?]

[It depends on the item, but you need to choose the size and shape. Basically, it’s difficult unless the magic stone is in a shape close to a perfect sphere, so people use an expensive one or one that’s been polished into a round shape.]

[Magic stone polishing? I see. So you polish rough magic stones…]

[Is this your first time using a magic tool? It’s common practice to polish and shape magic stones.]


I did not know. So, is it difficult to be self-sufficient with the magic stones you have taken yourself? If it’s an expensive magic stone, it might be in good shape from the beginning, but I want to sell that kind of thing for money. I wonder if this kind of shop also does polishing?

[We also undertake magic stone polishing at our store. We are not a specialty store, so we may refuse depending on the item…]

[I see. So, how much does this cost?]

[Starting from 15 silver coins.]

[…I see. Is this the cheapest magic tool for defense?]

[That’s right. If you think about it on a practical level, I think this is a reasonable price.]

Hmm, well, it can’t be helped that magic tools are expensive.

[How about the cheapest?]

[Hmm, maybe bracelets. They’re not popular as accessories, and the ones that don’t have any decorations are left unsold.]

[Is that so? Then, the cheapest one it is.]

[Good call.]

The apron girl brought some simple silver bracelets, so I matched them to Sasha’s size.

[…Master, is it for me?]

[That’s right. I have magic, but I don’t think Sasha has any emergency defenses. I think it’s just fine.]

[So it’s a gift~. Wonderful!]

[Thank you very much.]

Sasha’s face turned slightly red. Hmm, the surprise present strategy was a success.

[Here’s the inside of the bracelet. If you open it, there’s a space to put the magic stone. If it’s a perfect sphere, it will work regardless of its attributes, but the more you use it, the smaller it will become, so the output will run out. Please be careful.]

[Magic stone of any attribute is fine? That’s good.]

[Yes, its versatility is the reason why Magic Shield is so popular. The bracelet type is hard to break, and if you use it with care, it will last a lifetime.]

Hmm, I think it’s pretty good. I took out the magic stone case from another dimension as if I were taking it out of my pocket, and checked how big a perfect sphere it can be.
Magic stones with rough surfaces, such as those carried by small monsters, need to be polished even if the shape is close to a sphere. I was also impressed with the Zarg magic stone that the old man gave me the other day, but it didn’t work. This one, on the other hand, is too big to fit inside.

[That’s a wonderful magic stone. Did you make this yourself?]

[Well, that’s right. However, I was given a magic stone from a monster that we subdued as a group. I plan to sell it later.]

[Is that so? Mmph! Please wait a moment! About a minute!]

Excited, the apron girl retreated to the back and brought in the man who had noticed Yoyo earlier.

[Customer, I’m sorry. It seems like my daughter has inconvenienced you.]

His tone is polite and dignified, but his general nervousness ruins everything. As expected from another world, even if it’s not a store like that, there are characters like this. The template for a one-man character is one with a good personality. Is it okay to believe it?

[I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, customer. If you don’t mind, would you like to sell the magic stone to our store?]

Apron girl bowed before speaking. Ah, so that’s why….

[Are you also buying magic stones?]

[At least, free buying and selling is guaranteed in this town. So, I’d like to see that magic stone…]

The apron girl asked for the magic stone while twitching. Having no choice but to place the stone in her hand, I stared as she peered at it with a scary look in her eyes, shadowed by the light.

[Hoho, ho~, It’s beautiful… it shines like a high-class jewel.]

The apron girl lifted the magic stone in ecstasy as if offering it to the heavens. Man, it’s getting more and more like something that I don’t want to get involved in. What should I do?

[For something like this, 40 silver coins can’t even be considered cheap… No, if it were me, I’d pay 55 silver coins. What do you think!?]

This fellow had already thrown away her polite tone and started negotiating.

[I-Is that so? Um, what should we do?]

I asked Sasha for assistance, but she lowered her eyes as if to say, [It is up to you, Master]. sh*t, her Yamato Nadeshiko-like attitude backfired at me. Hmmm, I can’t decide.

[Can I send it to the magic stone purchase center for appraisal? If I’m satisfied with your pricing, I’ll come back and sell it again.]

[I don’t mind, I’m rather impressed by how cautious you are. I’m sure you won’t come back to sell again!]

Hmm, looking at her dignified attitude, it doesn’t seem like she’s making any assumptions about the value, but I’ll have it appraised first.
55 silver coins? …If you think about it calmly, it’s quite expensive. Thank you very much, old man. Please watch over me from heaven…
He’s not dead yet though.

[Oh, yeah, I forgot. Can I ask you to maintain these?]

I took out my magic gun and magic sword and made a request. This girl seems bossy, but I think she’s probably good at discerning things.

[Hey, it’s a magic sword. It’s simple but of good quality. Is this…a magic staff? No, it’s not.]

Apron girl grumbled while inspecting the magic gun. She’s looking like she’s about to dismantle it, so I put a stop to it first.

[Apparently it’s called a magic gun. I got it by chance, but it seems to be rare in this country and I can’t find a place that could maintain it.]

[A magic gun…? I’ve heard of it. I’m sure it’s a failed weapon from the eastern maritime nations. But, the magic crest on this magic crystal is beautiful. I think it’s been used a lot, hasn’t it?]

As expected, she seems to have quite a good eye.

[Do you know about it? I’ve definitely used it as a secret weapon multiple times. Do you think you can maintain it?]

[I think I can probably do it, but…can you give me some time? I won’t know unless I show it to my craftsman.]

[Are you telling me to leave it here? But, it’s my secret weapon]

[For the sake of this store’s name, we won’t run away with anything. Well, if you come over in about an hour, we should be done with the checking.]

Hmm, well. It seems like the store has a reputation to keep, and I also needed to check the price of the magic stone. Shall I leave the gun here and get some food?

[Then, please do. Don’t damage it.]

[I want you to trust me a little more, alright? If we break something, I’ll pay you in gold coins, so off you go.]

The apron girl kicked me out of the store.
I wonder if that girl is also a craftsman? As soon as I took out the magic gun, the bite was amazing.
But she also said something that bothered me, like it was a failed weapon or something. It must be a joke that such a useful weapon is a failure.

Now, maybe I’ll come back in an hour?

Isekai Trip ~with a slave harem~ ch.28 (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.