Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (2024)

Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (1)

Based on its first weekend in theaters, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has been a resounding success among most fans and critics. One of the most successful elements seems to be the latest lovable droid, K-2SO. But K-2 is lovable in a different way when compared to relatively friendly and innocent droids like C-3PO, R2-D2 and BB-8. As much as those droids have had their humorous moments, K-2 is downright hilarious, with a uniquely dry and disturbingly honest wit.

If you haven’t yet seen Rogue One and are okay with spoilers, you’ll learn some interesting things about the droid that we gleaned from watching the filmand we've also got some behind the scenes details and trivia for those who've already seen the anthology movie.

As K-2 himself might say, there’s a 97.6% chance you’ll learn something new in this list of15 Things You Didn’t Know About K-2SO.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (2)

It’s no secret that character designs, especially when it comes to Star Wars characters, have a tendency to change quite a bit from their initial concept sketches. So it’s no real surprise that K-2SO is no different. Entertainment Weekly recently released some fascinating images of what the droid could have looked like if they had gone with earlier sketches, and a lot of the ideas look quite familiar – very much, in fact, like C-3P0.

A couple of the designs look almost exactly like Threepio’s body, with the familiar circle on his torso and exposed wiring around his waist. One full sketch shows more exposed wiring than we’re used to seeing on a protocol droid and a head that’s similar in shape to Threepio’s, but with a straight line where his two eyes would normally be. Another group shot shows a version of K-2 with the protocol droid body but a different head with an antenna sticking out of it. Speaking of his head, EW also shows us a “head study” with seven different head options, none of which is the head they wound up with on the finished product.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (3)

Before he joined the Rebel Alliance, and, in turn, the Rogue One squad, K-2SO was an Imperial security droid. That’s right, he worked for the bad guys.

Specifically, he was a KX-series Security Droid (well, technically he still is in name-- and still wears the Imperial insignia on his shoulder, which allows him to get around Imperial forces). They were notable for being tall and lanky, but nevertheless quite strong. Theirlimbs are designed to be disproportionately long relative to their torsos and heads.

Not a lot is known about these long, lean fighting machines, but they could be seen wherever there was a heavy Imperial presence, whether in public or aboard Imperial starships or on bases. Their role seemed to be differentiated from stormtroopers in that they served more of a bodyguard duty, compared to the stormtroopers’ general soldiering duties. So this was K-2’s life before he came into the hands of Rebel Captain Cassian Andor, who reprogrammed him to serve his needs with the Rebel Alliance.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (4)

Presumably, your typical Imperial KX-series Security Droid follows orders and goes about its business without saying much. Certainly, they wouldn’t backtalk. Can you imagine Grand Moff Tarkin ordering one of those droids to guard a doorway and being met with some snarky comment like, “I’d really rather not. The odds of a Rebel barging through that doorway are one in 26 million, so there’s really no point.” That droid would wind up in the trash compactor.

However, when Cassian reprogrammed K-2, it somehow brought out a distinct personality in him. It made him say whatever he thinks, and apparently his thoughts are extremely sarcastic. Among the highlights of Rogue One was watching the Rebels react to his dry, sarcastic wit and one-liners.

When we’re first introduced to him, he knocks Jyn Erso to the ground and tells her, “Congratulations. You are being rescued. Please do not resist.” His free will also helps save Jyn and Cassian when he abandons his post on the ship to come and help them. And it's also reflected in director Gareth Edwards allowing actor Alan Tudyk to improvise on set.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (5)

K-2SO was voiced and played by cult favorite actor Alan Tudyk, known for his work inthe Whedonverse and a lot of voice acting, in a motion-capture performance. You may have seen behind the scenes footage of other motion-capture performances, from Andy Serkis as Gollum in Lord of the Rings movies to Lupita Nyong’o in The Force Awakens. They’re often wearing body suits with weird gear on their heads and strange ping-pong-ball-type things all over their bodies.

Not quite so for Tudyk in this performance. He describes what he wore as “kind of a body panty” and he had to stand on stilts to boost him up to K-2’s full height of 7’1”. The technology the effects team developed for Rogue One provided him a little more comfort, aside from those foot-long stilts. Interestingly, Tudyk is uniquely qualified to play a motion-capture robot. He did the same as Sonny in the 2004 film I, Robot.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (6)

Anthony Daniels made his name as C-3PO, the Star Wars universe’s originalbeloved humanoid droid. He playedthe gold robot in just about every appearance the protocol droid has made, from all eight movies to voicing him in many animated TV shows, and seemingly millions of other appearances across many types of media. The thing about playing Threepio, though, is that Daniels literally has to be bolted into the metal costume every day for filming.

When Tudyk spoke to Daniels about how he was performing K-2 through motion capture, without having to wear a cumbersome suit, Daniels’ response was, “You [expletive]!” Imagine having to sweat out long hours in that full-body suit, sometimes in deserts, over the course of nearly 40 years-- including at the age of 70 in Rogue One--and then finding out there’s now technology that allows you to play a realistic-looking robot without walking around in your own personal sauna. We'd have some spicy language up our sleeves, too.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (7)

Well, the obvious Firefly/Serenity connection is Alan Tudyk, who starred as Hobun “Wash” Washburne in the beloved, but short-lived, TV series (2002-’03) and film (2005). Wash was the goofy, brave and highly-skilled pilot of the titular ship, Serenity. So it was surely not too much of a coincidence that his Rogue One character, K-2SO, was also a pilot. (Between this and the I, Robot connection, Tudyk really was born to play K-2.) As a pilot, both Washand K-2 crashed ships.

That’s not the only connection between the two characters, though – and fair warning, there’s a Serenity spoiler here. When K-2 was trying to land the U-wing ship on Eadu,Bodhi Rook told him to"Bring it down now!" K-2 simply responded, "The wind," concerned about the gusts. This could very well be an allusion to Wash’s last words in Serenity. Earlier in the movie, he utters a quote said by Kamikaze pilots to calm their nerves: “I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.” Just before he’s impaled by an enemy ship, he memorably says it again, but is killed just before he says the final word.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (8)

K-2SO is very much an amalgam of a few familiar Original Trilogy characters. We’ll start with his similarities to Wookiee warrior and pilot Chewbacca. The most obvious would be that he’s a co-pilot. Just as Chewie was always next to Han Solo as the Millennium Falcon jumped to hyperspace, so, too,was K-2 next to Cassian aboard any ships they flew for the Rebel Alliance.

He’s also like our favorite Wookiee in that he’s a fierce warrior. Chewie could load up his bowcaster and pick off hordes of stormtroopers (or battle droids if you want to go back to his brief appearance in the prequels as well). Similarly, in Rogue Onewe saw K-2 destroy bands of stormtroopers, particularly toward the end of the film when he was alone in a control room, helping Jyn and Cassian transmit the Death Star plans. He moweddown trooper after trooper after they discovered him.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (9)

As we alluded to earlier, both C-3PO and K-2SO are humanoid droids – that is, both of their chassishave a head, torso, two arms, and two legs. That’s as opposed to other types of droids, like the garbage-can-shaped older astromechs (R2-D2) and the newer astromechs like BB-8, who are basically balls. So Threepio and Kaytoo share that physicality in common, but what else?

Odds! Both of those droids are constantly annoying everyone around them by explaining how likely or unlikely things are to happen, right down to the often depressing statistical odds. For example, he says, “There is a 97.6% chance of failure.” But there’s one memorable moment where K-2 doesn’t even bother with the actual numbers, instead using his trademark wry sense of humor to make his point. When Cassian lets Jyn keep her blaster, K-2 quips, “You’re letting her keep it? Would you like to know the probability of her using it against you? It’s high.”


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (10)

Obviously, K-2 looks in no way like R2, aside fromthe fact that they’re both useful droids made of metal and electronics. No, where these two cross paths is in their handiness. Of course, R2 doesn’t have hands, per se, but we’re talking about them being handy; their ability to fix things and make electronics do their bidding, often just in the nick of time.

It seems like we've seen it a thousand times; R2 extending a myriad of gadgets, from a saw to an electroshock prod to a utility arm, to help get his friends out of many jams. We can’t help but remember that Luke, Han, Chewie, and Leia would’ve been flattened into pancakes in that trash compactor if not for R2’s gadgets. In much the same way, K-2 was able to help out his friends with his amazing technical abilities and knowledge, including helping Jyn and Cassian to steal the Death Star plans and get them transmitted.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (11)

The line, “I have a bad feeling about this,” and variations thereof, had been said in all seven of the previous Star Wars films. It’s one of the most iconic lines in a franchise of many iconic lines. So we couldn’t help but wonder if we’d hear it again in Rogue One. After all, we knew it was going to be a different kind of Star Wars film in a number of ways, including not having an opening scroll and not being scored by John Williams.

As it turns out, the first anthology film was different in this way as well, because it was both said and not really said.

That is to say, it wasn’t officially, fully said, but it was almost said. When the Rogue One squad was embarking on their climactic mission to retrieve the Death Star plans on Scarif, K-2, who as we know always says exactly what’s on his mind, said, “I have a bad feeling abou…” He was cut off by Cassian, who didn’t want to hear such pessimism, before he could officially say the line.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (12)

Like all KX-series Security Droids, K-2SO was manufactured for the Empire by a droid-making company called Arakyd Industries. Not a whole lot is known about the company in canon, but it has previously appeared on an episode of Star Wars: Rebels called “Call to Action.” In it, we learn that Arakyd also created the Empire’s Viper probe droids, so they have a history with the bad guys. Viper droids, if you’re not familiar, are those droids the Empire deployed at the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back to search for the rebel base on Hoth, the ones with the circular heads and dangling limbs.

In canon, Arakyd produced four other droids for the Empire as well: the RA-7 protocol droid (a humanoid robot seen in both animated series and briefly in A New Hope), the ID9 seeker droid (similar to the Viper, seen in Rebels), internal systems probe droids (tiny little probes only mentioned in the short story “All Creatures Great and Small"), and the Separatist recon droid (also similar to the Viper, seen in The Clone Wars series).


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (13)

Since droids are not organic and don’t require oxygen to breathe, it seems to stand to reason that they wouldn’t be too badly hurt, if at all, by being exposed to the vacuum of space. After all, we know that astromechs like R2-D2 don’t have a problem being exposed while serving as co-pilots for Rebel pilots in ships like X-wing and Y-wing fighters. Nevertheless, in one of his many amusing contributions to Rogue One, K-2SO felt the need to brag that he can survive out there in space.

While piloting a ship together with Cassian, the humans aboard talk about how disastrous their mission could potentially be, that if something goes wrong they’ll wind up thrust into the vacuum of space, where they would all die instantly. “Not me,” says K-2, plainly. “I can survive in space.” It’s not exactly what his friends needed to hear at that point, and so is proof that, as much as he says whatever he thinks, he needs to learn to read a room.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (14)

As much as his reprogramming made him less likely to obey every order he’s given, it also gave him the ability to think freely and decide who he likes and who he doesn’t like. And a big part of that is learning to be loyal to certain people who have beenloyal to him. At the top of K-2’s loyalty list would be Cassian, since Cassian reprogrammed him and is always by his side. In fact, this is another way K-2 is like Chewbacca: he’s the Chewie to Cassian’s Han Solo.

But K-2 also learns to be loyal to Jyn Erso. At first he’s loyal to her only insomuch as he says he won’t kill her because Cassian said she’s to be viewed as their friend. He also says he’ll be there for her because, “the Captain said I had to.” But when Jyn jumps in front of a gun to protect him, everything changes. He doesn’t have any more snarky comments to make to her after that, seeming to be loyal not just because he’s been ordered to, but because he wants to.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (15)

Kaytoo is definitely hilarious when you watch him from the outside, as the audience. But he's not always the most enjoyable droid to be around if you're actually in his company. We all know someone whose first, and often only, gear is sarcasm. It can be funny at times but can quickly get a little tiring. When it's at your expense, it can bedownright annoying.

This is how Jyn Erso views the former security droid early in their relationship. Kaytoo has violently shoved her to the ground and implied that he might have killed her had his boss not told him she was a friend. So, on the Rogue One squad's first mission, on their way to find Saw Gerrera on Jedha, things come to a head for Jyn and she hits the droid with some wit of her own at Kaytoo’s expense. She calls him “Target Practice,” implying that his best role on the mission would be to leave him behind to provide a target for the Empire, slowing down their pursuit of the rest of the squad.


Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (16)

We have to return to that scene on Scarif when K-2 was helping Jyn and Cassian retrieve the Death Star plans, because it was truly awesome and heroic. Everything was going fine until the stormtroopers came knocking and opened fire on the droid who had once fought for the Empire alongside them. As we mentioned before, K-2 showed he was a fierce warrior and a good shot, but he did get shot himself.

K-2 kept working after that first shot landed, despite the smoking hole in his torso. It didn’t seem to bother him at all, despite the fact that earlier in the film Jyn had shot another KX-series Security Droid who looked exactly like him. What happened to that droid? It went down after one shot. But not our K-2, who kept on ticking, helping his friends, fending off stormtroopers with his blaster, but still taking fire. Whether it was Rebel reinforcements or something about his reprogramming that made K-2SO so hard to take down, he made the ultimate sacrifice to help the Rebels.


Do you have any inside scoop on K-2SO? What are your favorite Kaytoo moments in Rogue One? Let us know in the comments!

Rogue One: 15 Things You Didn't Know About K-2SO (2024)


What does K-2SO stand for? ›

K-2SO (also referred to as K2 or Kaytoo-Esso) is a droid character in the Star Wars franchise, first appearing in the 2016 film Rogue One. He is a CGI character voiced and portrayed through motion capture by Alan Tudyk.

Who is the black droid in rogue one? ›

A reprogrammed Imperial security droid now loyal to the Alliance, K-2SO is an alarming sight standing within a secret Rebel base. The pragmatic droid is an effective insertion agent, as he can blend in perfectly at Imperial installations and outposts.

What happened to the robot in rogue one? ›

Andor was able to reprogram K-2SO to serve the Alliance on the planet Wecacoe. In 1 BBY, K-2SO participated in the Battle of Scarif, where he sacrificed himself so that Andor and Jyn Erso could steal the plans to the Empire's moon-sized battle station, the Death Star.

What are they trying to do in rogue one? ›

Set a week before the events of Star Wars, the plot follows a group of rebels who band together to steal plans of the Death Star, the ultimate weapon of the Galactic Empire. It details the Rebel Alliance's first effective victory against the Empire, first referenced in Star Wars' opening crawl.

Was the ghost in Rogue One? ›

If you love Star Wars Rebels, you probably noticed a few grab-the-arm-of-the-person-next-to-you-and-point-excitedly-at-the-screen surprises in Rogue One. There was Chopper at the rebel base on Yavin 4. The Ghost flying with the rebel fleet.

Did anyone from Rogue One survive? ›

Jyn and Cassian made their way to the shore, where they saw the blast from the Death Star. Confident that the Rebels received the plans, the two embraced as the explosion consumed them, and the rest of the base. No members of Rogue One survived the blast.

Why doesn t Rogue One have a crawl? ›

It turns out that an opening crawl was actually written for the film but we'll never get to see it, because the filmmakers decided that cutting that traditional scrolling-text open was one of the best ways to differentiate Rogue One from the Skywalker saga.

Who is the girl in Rogue One supposed to be? ›

Jyn Erso, known by the aliases Kestrel Dawn, Jyn Dawn, Tanith Ponta, Liana Hallik, Lyra Rallik, and Nari McVee, was a human female soldier and former criminal who became a pivotal member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic when she led Rogue One in stealing the Death Star plans during the Battle of Scarif.

Is Chirrut Force sensitive? ›

Deeply spiritual, Chirrut Îmwe believes all living things are connected through the Force. His sightless eyes do not prevent him from being a highly skilled warrior. Though he lacks Force abilities, this warrior monk has rigorously honed his body through intense physical and mental discipline.

What happened to Admiral Raddus after Rogue One? ›

Though Raddus perished and his flagship was destroyed, his sacrifice and that of the other rebels allowed the plans to escape and were ultimately used to destroy the Death Star.

What does C-3PO stand for? ›

C-3PO stands for Commercial Crew and Cargo (3 C's) Program Office. The site does not say how they came up with C-3PO.

What does R2-D2 stand for? ›

The name derives from when Lucas was making one of his earlier films, American Graffiti. Sound editor Walter Murch states that he is responsible for the utterance which sparked the name for the droid. Murch asked for Reel 2, Dialog Track 2, in the abbreviated form "R-2-D-2".

What is C-3PO named after? ›

The rest is history. C3PO was named after a post office which is located at reference C3 on a map of Lucas' hometown.

What does Pateesa mean in Star Wars? ›

Pateesa was the Huttese word for "friend". In 9 BBY,, the phase was uttered by the Klatooinian Twins Koob and Lizz in reference to Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and Gabs.

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