Sterling Daily Gazette from Sterling, Illinois (2024)

MORRISON AND COUNTY SEAT NEWS By vebeta George a othes. Meyers Barber Shop, Phone Residence Phone, $128 Family Dinners Are Easter Tradition Page Eight A family' ainner WAS held Easter Bunday in the home of Mt. and Mrs. Charles Hillet of Morrison with the following guests present: Mr and Mrs. Frank Washburn of Sterling.

Mr. And Mrs. Virgil Hiller, and daughters Tetry Jo. Het. Mr.

And Mrs. Clark Hanson and Mt. and Mrs. Sherman Han-: son and son Gary of Morrison supper guests Included Mr. And Mis.

George Rick Morrison and Mrs. Ida Ttoy of Sterling. A tuter dinner. was Airs. siren W.

East- ft. et Sunday by Conrads, tot Contady the home. family The in group the also temained for supper. Present were Mr. And W.

Conrady. Mr. and Mrs. Condaughters Connie and Sue, Mr. Mrs.

William Beswick and Marjorie. Edward Dorothy. Roscnow. Air. and Mrs.

Wilbur Conrady and Marieta and Mrs. Cora Farewell of Morrison: Mr. and Mrs. LA Vethe Machaelli daughters Gwen and Marsha: and Mr. and Mrs.

Ell and daughter. Nancy of Sterling: and children JAy: Donna Mr. and Mrs. Chatles, Conrady and of Coleta: Mr. atid Mrs.

Herbert- Beswick of Lanark: and Mr. and: Mrs. Ursal Ogden and daughter Faye of Rock Island. Nephew Of Morrison People Dies In Miami Mr. and Mrs.

A. W. Badger: and Mrs. Amy. Anderson: of Morrison are attending the funeral of Mrs.

Badger's nephew. Theodore Tracy. of Osk Park today (Tuesday) who died suddenly Thursday in Miami: of A Heart attack. He. Was 47 years of age.

Mr. Tracy, together with his mother, Mrs. Tracy of. Oak this sister, Mrs. Bradley Auten and two children of Kenosha, wise cation in were Florida spending at a the two time week of.

Mia. sudden passing. Mrs. Badger- left. for.

Out Park Monday morning while Mr. Badger and Mrs. Anderson planned to go there Tuesday morning to attend funeral services and burial there Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Tracy was Morrison where: he.

had visited his uncle and aunt many times: Drape Charter For Deceased Member bekah charter, Morrison was draped Tho of the Emeline Reat a recent meeting in memory of the late Mrs. Alice Hills of Morrison. Mrs. Rachel Rick; noble grand, ducted the meeting. Mrs.

Eva Irion served as musician and Mrs. Evelyn George as guardian in" the absence regular. officers, The local lodge will attend the banquet of the Past Noble Grand club of Clinton, Iowa, April 12; the district meeting at Clinton May 18 and -the meeting of the Northern Illinols Association Rebekahs and Odd. Fellows at Sandwich, June 9. An -article on Schusler.

Collax, founder of the Rebekah order. wAs read by Mrs. Helen Knox. A committee was named to serve refreshments at the close of the next meeting in April, Hospital Notes Admissions to the Morrison Community. hospital Include Peter Fisher.

of Fulton, medical, March Douglas Jorgenson; Prophetstown. and Mrs. Edwin Meiners, Morrison; minor surgery, March 23: Charles Stapleton, Morrison, medical, March. 24, Mrs. Zella King.

Morrison, minor surgery, March 28, Dismissals from the hospital incrude. Sue Ketola, Morrison. and Douglas Jorgenson. Afarch Mrs. Howard Matthew's March: 23; Albert Bush and Mrs.

Edwin. Meiners, Morrison. and Otto Gerlach of Tampico. March 34; Mrs. Donald.

Steinko. of March 25: and Mrs, Euswordi Nice, Morrison, March 26, Mrs. Warren Ed wards of Fulton. the former Rosemary, Johannsen of Morrison is convalescing in Jane Lamb hospitals Clinton, Iowa, from surgery last Friday morning. She expects to be discharged the latter pert of this Mr.

Loren Jackson mibmitted to major surgery in Wesley Memorial hospital, Chicago, Mrs. Jennie Aiken of Morrison received word of the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss rude Kite to her grandson. Gerald B. Tiesman. FN of Mrs.

Fred Smith of clinion, The wedding mill be an event of May 12 in Philadelphia. The bride to be is secre sary in an advertising firin I Phila: delphia. Gerald been stationed In. Philadelphia with the Untied States navy since Jast October. The couple will reside in that until he is transferred or discharged.

Sera meinbers of his family plan to attend the wedding. Wedding Set. For May 12 Injured In Crash Harry Geizer of Morrison an ankle injury and bruises and her son in and daughter. Mr. and Mr.

Rencie Klimstra of Moline: sufefred facial contusions and severe chest bruises, when the car in which they were riding was in an accident with A grocery den User truck in Clinton, Tova Sate afternoon. The nay automobile was badly damaged Richard 13. son of the Klimstras vas also in the CAN Receives $150 Fine emploved pleaded sullty to operate In to motor while under the Sterling Glass Co In Glass STEELING influence of intoxicating hquor in court Monday. He was $150 and. costs and! bAd his driver's suspended for 90 days, Hogerman was arrested Ex: Moral, rison March 17 niter chase on Ronte 30 of Morrison almost in Round Grove.

Sent To Fort Bragg Millard E. Wells. known As "Smitson. of Sir. and Mrs.

Ed Wells. Morrison. was sent to Fort Sheridan for one- Ark after hr enluted in the army wind is now at Fort Brace. N.C. Ito Would be clad to hear from his friends.

address 1s. Millard E. Well. R.A: 16311725, Company C. 3rd Cml Mortar Bin.

Fort Brace. N.C. Before. he left Morrison. his friends neighbors (honored him with a farewell party lat his home.

tie was triven a purse of money. Refreshments were serval ed by tire group and his. mother. Mrs. Edward Wells: New Arrivals Botti.

a daughter. to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nice of Morrison at the Mortison Community hospital. Born.

a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hann of Morrison at the Morrison Community hospital, March 25, PUBLIC INSTALLATION The Palestine Shrine of the White Shrine of Jerusalem will hold a pubof officers In the Minsonic hati at Morrison Saturday evening, March: 31. Mrs. Maude will be installed -as worthy high priestess while Dillwyn McKee.

will be installed As worthy watchman of shepherds. WALNUT. Mrs. 11. Wallis, Ph.

R931 from Western. Illinois college at Macoinb Barbara. Dahl, BevWharton, Leslie Renner, Glenn Minier, James Casey and Neal Lathrop. Thomas Flanders of Monmouth college spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Theodore Fisher. Charlene Hill and Nelda Ann Gloden were home from Augustana and Glendon WAS home from Illinois Wesleyan at Bloomington. Barbara: Wharton. In nurse's training at Moline. WAS home Thursday.

Rita Ann Langford of Oak Park was home for weekend. Students Home. home From for the College weekend Walnut are the parents of a daught ter born March: 24 Fat the Princeton hospital New Arrival Mrs. Winston Mattes of: SHOWING DIPROVEMENT F. D.

Ross spent Thursday. Friday and Saturday in the Princeton hospital under observation changed, and have ing the cast on his leg made the trips by ambulance. He making pod progress. considering the seriousness of his, Infurles, sustained in an automoblle 'nccldent in the south, WALNUT BRIEFS Mr. and.

Mrs. Leo: J. Foley and children Rock Falls were weekend guests or Mr. and Mrs. Leo Foley, Mr.

and Airs. Harry Gorman and family moved the first of the week to the home owned by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sergeant. The house vacated by the Mays will be by Mr.

and Mrs. Laverne Lauritzen. Dick Ross. who teaches in Chica. go At the Navy Pien branch of tie University.

of Illinois, spent the Easter vacation with: his, parents, and G. ROSS. and Mrs. Omer Morgan of Princeton. Afr.

and Mrs. Clelland Morris of Prophetstown, G. W. Johnson of Tampico and Mr. and Mrs.

Edmond. Choiniere, and chile dren were Easier dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Beachler, Louanne.

Beachter accompanied her Mrs. Johnson, home to spend: Monday, Mrs. Jennie Liver, Mr. and J. P.

Stephens and; Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lives Easter Sunday dins ner: guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Winger in.

Dison. Mr. and Mrs. N. P.

Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Fennen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coyne and son Mike of Manilus and Merle Mar rine of Yorktown were Easter din; guests of Mr.

And. Mrs. George Schrader and son and Dale Renner and. their house guest Miss. Permitin sure or Peoria, wore Sunday dinner guests Mr.

and MISS C. W. Dimmig, and Mrs. Sylvester Heinz and children of Kickapoo Mr. and Mrs.

Francis Richel and son of Chicago And Mr. and Mrs. David of Evanston were weekend guests of Mr. and Mm. Eugene Choiniere: Mr.

And Arnold Goodbar and children of Ablugdon were weekend guests of Air. and MD. Howard Leiser. Mr. and Dan Sapp of Ker were weekend guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Bourguin: Mr. and Ray Quinn and daughter Pat spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. And Mrs.

ford Heaton of Watseka and Doris Hatland of Oak Park were weekend guests of and Mr. O. Af. Hatland Mr. and Mrs.

George R. Ross and children of Sunday of Walnut relatives They were accompanied hone relaMcGonigle, who had spent the winter in Walnut and Tho will spend: a few days in LAW OFFICES H. J. FOLKERS J. C.

RYAN ELMER FOLKERS CENTRAL TRUST BLDG ton spent the Weekend with mother, Mrs. Daisy Strouss. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Magnuson and son Dale spent the wrekend in Pee orta with Miss Alene Magnuson.

Mi and Mrs. A. W. Schmitt and 5011 Bill spent Sunday In Rockford With Mr. Schmitt's sister, Mrs Inzebore Sargent.

the weekend her mother. Mrs. Miss Elsie Bonier of Chirago Mare Mrs. Thomas Young of Michican. D.

came Saturday to visit net sister. I. contrA and other alit! Wisconsin reunless Mr and fond and of also dinner guests at the Kotord home. Mr. and Mrs Everett Minter and daughter of Sterling aero Sunday guests of Mr and Airs.

Arthur Fritz. Ward Quilter ot the U. 8. navy nil liis wife and little son spent a few days in Walnut last week en route to west. roast from a station on the George L.

Frederirk of Iowa unlversity spent the weekend, with Frede- his parents, Mr. Mr. and Gene sprint the weekend in Bloomington with Mr. and. Nits.

Alliton Stanley. Parker Major of Milan spent the weekend with his sister. Miss Alta Major, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Telkamp and two daughters of Peoria were day evening guests of.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gorman And Miss Margaret Conner. Mr. and Mrs.

Ivan Conner of Pea orla were Sunday evening guests of their son-In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Wallis, Mrs. Ben Barth spent Sunday in Henry with relatives.

Mrs. Harry Dawson of Dixon spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dawson and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles. Staples of Princeton and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tillinghast and son were Sunday dinner guests of.

Nir. and Airs. Howard Smith. Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Brandenburg and daughter Kay and Mrs. Ivan Peach and daughters spent Sunday in- Peoria with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wingate, Put. Donald Christensen of Ft.

Leonard Wood. spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christensen. Mrs.

Ed Lesser spent the weckend in Chicago where she was called Friday by the illness of a grandchild. and Mrs. Langford and sons of Terre Haute. and Rita Ann Langford of Oak Park were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer. Langford. Mr. and Mrs. James Bacorn and and Mrs.

James at Wyanet. children were Sunday, guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.

Smith ofJollet were Sunday guests of Mrs. Minnie. Langford and family. Mr. and Mrs.

Vincent Langford and daughter of Rock Island were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill. Langford. Barbara, Johnson of Galva spent weekend at the home of: her and aunt, and Mrs.

Burke who also, had their daughter Sue home the weekend from Beloit college at Belolt, Wis. Miss Ervene Lewis of Urbana was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. M.

Lewis. Mr. and. Mrs. E.

Melton of Easton were weekend guests: of Mr. and Mrs. Olen Melton. Miss. Janet Hoffman and Miss Ethel of: Houghton, Mich? weekend guests of Miss man's uncle and aunt, Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Whitver. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Waterhouse were Sunday guests of Mr.

and: Mrs. Charles Vix At Downers Grove. before leasing for his home in Glare got. Mont. Miss Mande Strouss of POLO.

Kathryn: Phone: 6-0732 Entertain At Cards Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horton entertain the Royal Neighbors at their home Friday evening Mrs. Roy. Piper and Harry Boom won high scores in 500 and Mrs.

Tom Naylon and Alva Shank received low scores: Refreshments, were served: Mrs. Lena Kane entertained the following Eat canasta Saturday eye ning: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Byrd. Mrs.

Henry Reinders, Mrs. Anna Gravensteln, Mr. and O. H. bendall.

Mrs. Susie Pierce and Mrs. Lemuel. Osterhoudt. The hostess served refreshments: POLO BRIEFS Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Croulster entertained Mrs. Nora Cronister, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sarber and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Campbell and daughter and Miss Elnora Crone istertat dinner Easter Sunday, Misses Grayer and Marianne Young. who are employed in Chia cago spent the Easter vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Young, Mr.

and Mrs. Virgil Kannall and son of Muscutine, Iowa spent the weekend with Mrs. Kannall'6 PAr ents. Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Reynolds, Hermie. Cronister WAS dinner guest in the Gerald Sigler home: at Oregon on Faster, Mr. and visited Airs. the Frank Reed, Kewance latter para end Mrs. TE R.

Simpson Sunday Misses Nelle Clark and Mariorio Graham of Chicago visited in the Sell Us Your HIDES For Top Market Prices J. RUBIN Phone 58 Rock Falls DAILY GAZETTE, Thome of the former's brother-thlaw and sister, Mr. Mrs. Robert Hollowell Saturdas. Mr.

and Mrs. Bob Cavanaugh of Dixon visited Polo relatives Sunday. Mr. Gene Strouss and Beverle of Amboy were guests of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs Join Kramer Mre Elsie Havelrigg of Decatur: 'sisited from Thursday until Montdas in the home of Her son-In-law and daughter, RoT And Mrs F.

Goodballet and family Mrs. Goodballet's brother Harold Russell and sons Larry and Jack of Dakota Sunday dinner. tarsts Mr and Mrs. Rarmond Marker. of Lanark were Sundar PIeRline supper guest in the Wilbur Markey home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Float Atid and Mits.

Ralph Motter returned Sunday from bad Los Angries, Calif: they spent past several with. relatites. CHADWICKMrs. J. Y.

stickell, Phone Chadwick Churches On Easter For Sunrise Services There were 104 thembers from the Hope EUB church, mist ernti chutch and the Fair Haven EUB church at the Easter sunrise services and breakfast In flope church Easter 'Sunday morning when the following program was presented: "Resurrection Manifest in Nature." prelude, "For the Beauty of the Earth." Mrs. Herbert Stein: group singing. "When Morning Gilds the Skies." prayer. Rev. E.

V. Schsolo, "I Heard a Forest Praying. Mrs. Arlow Daehler, poem, Rev. Lorne Dorsch.

"Resurrection Manifest in the Risen Christ: organ In: terlude. "I Know that My Redeemer. Liveth;" Resurrection: meditation: hymn, "Christ the Lord 1s Risen Today. Companionship "Resurrection of Manilest-In the Mrs. Lorne Dorach, and Mrs.

Charles Shultz of. Fair Haven: Scripture: Luke Rev. E. V. Schriver; solo.

"I walked Today Where Jesus Walked, Mrs. Frank Meat: prayer, Rev. -E. Schriver; benediction, Rev. Earl Coble.

The following infants were presented for. Holy Baptism Kristine Fay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Mark, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Emmert Zumdahl, Gregory Scott. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Miller: Timothy William, son of Dr.

and Mrs. Willam: Wagner of Waupun, Wisconsin: Ronnie: Allen, son of Mr. Mrs. Elmer Hans and Kevin Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Paul: Unzicker, New Arrival Born. son, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adolph of Chadwick day, March 26. 'at 11 1 a.m.

in the Morrison hospital. Sterling were. Sunday: afternoon and supper guests in the ShibleyMagill home. Mrs. Joe Rath, and infant son James.

Edward was released from the St. Francis hospital Saturday; Mr. and Mrs. Fred entertained Sunday Mr. and Mrs.

Robert. Bittner and son Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Queckboerner, Margle Clark and Virginia Adrian, Sa.vanna, And Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Pontenack of Polo, Saturday dinner guests In the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Chester Alexander were Mr. and Mrs.

Alvin Reiff, Mrs. Harold Stoner, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Queckboerner and Vernon Alexander, CHADWICK BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs.

John Mathias of FULTONE Mrs. David W. Mitchell, Pb. 102-W. Fulton Calendar Tuesday Calvin college a cappella choir concert at the Christian Reformed church, a Thursday Christian Refonned Dorcas society, p.m.

Christian Reformed society at 7:30 First Reformed Helping Hand ciety: at 3 p.m. Presbyterial meeting at the Presbyterian church. Friday- Women's Missionary union at the Christian Reformed church at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday District contest Rock Falls for Fulton Community high school, band solos and ensembles and chorus. Christian School auxiliary waste paper drive: Talk On Conservation Wils Fisher of the Whiteside county soll conservation service, spoke before an audience farmer students in the Fulton.

Communits high school Monday evening on the lined contour. strip cropping. subject of soll conservation. He, out racing. STASS waterways and other practices designed to conserve sola CHILDREN'S FASTER PARTY Marcia Gay Wiersema, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. J. Wiersema, en atternoon at an FAster party. Games wort played with prims going to Becky Kettler and Barbara WirbenRR. An Easter eRg hunt en ed.

Refreshments were served by Marcia's mother. BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. William Hough And clutdren. Steven.

Nancy and tricia of Ohio. hate- been spending the past with the former's parents, Mire and Sirs. F. W. Haugh.

stelvin Latcher 15 spending the Faster with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Forest Latcher. He student at Central college, Pella, Ia. MILLEDGEVILLE. MA.

C. F. Moon. Phone 101 Students Come Home For Easter Vacation Students who spent the Easter vacation with their parents ed Lyle D. Nicholas of NorthwestFri university; Ronald Prters.

Jaines Stouffet, Paul and Harold Barthel. University of Illinois: nold Chandler of NIST at DeKalb: JoAnn Haunn of: Ashland college, Ashland. Ohio: Doris Pilgrim of Beloit college. Beloit: Marilyn Kimmel. Donna Hawkins and Ruby Tripp of 1SNU At Normal: Harry Wenger.

Cornell college, Alt. Vera non. and Charlene Volkers, who Is taking practice teach. ting Alice: at the Barthel, Elgin high student school. nurse all Deaconess.

hospital. Freeport. spent Friday night and Saturday with her parents. o. G.

Allen; teacher at Moline, spent Saturday with. his father. Miss Lols Landis of Oregon and Miss. Marion Aul of Shannon were weekend guests in Milledgeville. New Arrivals Born to.

Mr. And Mrs. Nicholal a boy. Saturday Community General hospital. A daughter WAS born: to Mr.

and Mrs. Louls Glenn at the Community General hospital: Monday morning. MILLEDGEVILLE BRIEFS' Ray Racine, Ohio, Mr. and. Mrs.

Ray Null Rock Falls were dinner and lunch guests Easter In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Paschal. I wish to thank everyone who sent me cards, gifts flowers while I WAS the hospital. Mrs.

Harold Real Adv. Mrs. Lulu Cadell of Downers Grove was a weekend guest in the home of Mrs. Lee Fuqua. Sincere.

thanks to all: who remembered 115 at the time of four anniversary. Mr. and. Mrs. B.

Coyle.Mr. Mrs. C. H. Seng, Vickie Lee and Marla Jo were dinner guests Friday evening in the home.

of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stein at Chadwick. Mr. and Mrs.

James Wink and Tommy were, lunch guests Sunday evening hone of Mr. And Mrs. Rudolph Harms at Rock Falls. Mr. and Mrs.

William Swanger entertained dinner Easter Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. Swanger of Orion, Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Willett and famMr. and Mrs. Medford Smithson and family, of Milan, Yoree Woods Clarious Woods rot Woodburg. Tenn, Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Swanger, Mr. and. Mrs. Sherman Swanger and family, Mr. and Mrs.

C. C. Stacey of Dixon were dinner guests Sunday in the home. of Mr. And Mrs.

George Harold and Paul Barthel: Adama, of Champaign. Miss Ruth Barthel of sterling, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Barthel were dinner guests Sunday in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Elbert Barthel, Mr.

and Mrs. Donald Bogott, Donna Dee and Jon were Among the dinner guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Schreiner, other guests present: were: from Davenport, Ia. Clinton, and Chadwick.

Mr. and Mrs. Hebert Cheeseman entertained at dinner Easter Mrs. S. Dodson of Polo, Mr.

andi Mrs. Rowland Cheeseman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frederick and Jerry, Mr.

and Mrs. War Maxfield and Donna, AS ternoon callers. were Mr. and Mrs. AM PAPER HANGING Specially Also Interior and Exterior Painting HA A.

CULLINS 1513 ATE Phono 1178. OPTICAL SERVICE Eunuc FIR CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE Your by Appointment DR. RALPH COBE OPTOMETRISTS 21 W. Third St. Ground Floor Phone 141 Our Year of Service to Your Needs FOR BETTER VISION prank.

Cheesemannot Chadwick and Mr. And Mrs. Roger Cheeseman Brenda. Easter dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Gall Deets were Mr. And Mrs. Bryce Wolf and CathPrint of Sterling. Str and Mrs. Glenn Millhou and Richard: Mr.

And Mrs. Robert Millhouse and: Bienda. Mrs. Luin Cartell of DoRtION I drove. Mr.

And Mrs. Joss Plumer were dinner guests Sundar 11 the home Mrs. Lie Fuqua of Mr. and Mis. It.

Goble Easter dinner guests in the home Mrs. Cora Hunter. Velma Richard-! son and Miss Marie Koninet rif sterling. Mi. and Mrs.

Fred Gable And Prodte. Louts Kommet and to Kommer. Mr. and Mrs Bill Smith. anot And Linda were difiber and lunch guests.

Sunday iri the home of Mr. and- Mr. Waller Elder Mr. and Mrs. W.

Hanna chtertained at dinner Sunday honoring Match birthdays: The wore Miss JoAnti Hanna of Ashland: Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weidel. Mr. am Mrs.

Lyle Catol and Weldon Sterling. Mr. and Mrs. E. 11.

ttanna. Mr. and. Mrs. Hanna and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller. Mr. and Mrs.

Reynolds W'oodin atid day evening in the home of Mr. and Ransom were supper. SunMrs. Raymond Dean: Rev. Mark.

Schrock of Gosheti. Rev. and: Mrs. M. S.

Ritchey. were dinner guests Saturdat in the home of: Mr. and They: were supper guests in the Abe Reift home. Mr. and Mrs.

C. R. Heyer entertained for Faster breakfast, Mr. Mrs. R.

K. Goldthorpe, Jane and Judy, Mi, and Mrs. W. H. Clouch, Douglas and Barby.

Easter breakfast: cursts in the home of Mr. Mrs. B. Polhill were. Ruby and LaMolne Stinderland: Dr.

and G. C. Poppenhouse, and Dick Deets. Mr. and Mrs.

E. S. Wagner and Stanley. Mr. and Mrs.

A. H. Waster and Mr. and Mrs. O.

A. Boyd. were. Easter breakfast guests in F. Moon home.

I COLETA. Mrs. Grace. Wallace, Ph. 33-M2 Churches Of Coleta Join In Easter Rites fine spirit characterized all.

of the meetings of the union Easter services of the Coleta churches, all report. An evening worship: servIce was, held Good Friday At: the Christian' church. Easter sunrise. service was at the EUB church and the Easter. program at the Grove Street UB church Sunday evening was as follows: Song, congregation; Scripture, Rev Wesley Norton; prayer, Rev.

P. R. Wild: song, congregation; vocal solos, Diann Heide, Ventura, Milton, Linton: rending. Billie Jean Speer: vocal duet, Mrs. Darrell: Hubbard, and Miles Donna: Frankfother: vocal solo, Mrs.

Paul Briggs: vocal duet, Mrs. Mary a Glbert and Mrs. Marcel vocal: solo, Mrs. Katte, Tillman; ladles' quartet, Mrs. Russell Spaulding.

Mrs. Marvin Carbaugh, Mrs. Chester Linton and Mrs. Wayne Shank; message, Rev, G. P.

Venturn: benediction, Rev. C. W. Marlow, Mr. And Mrs.

Paul Gettle entertained at Sunday honoring their son cleorge Gettle And Robert Stanley, son Mt. and Mrs. Clark army air rotis have, enlisted, WedStanley. who in the Others a present were sh*tlev Proffer: and Beverly Meiners of Rork Falls: Vera Arthurs and Jack Reinhart.of Sterling: Mr. and Mire Charles Langley Larry and.

Cheryl of Polo Enlist In Air Corps COLETA BRIEFS COLETA BRIEFS Sir. and Mrs. F. Becker: and granddaughter Sandra Becker of Rock Falls Mr. and Sirs.

Ronald Heidn of Oteron. Atiss Norma Smith and Kenneth Heide Millwere dinner And supper guests Sunday in the home of Sir. Land airs. Ralph Mrs. leide.

Chester. tinton and tertained at thinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. itaroid Smith. Rock Falls: Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Fredrick and Steten. Mt. Morris: Mr. and F.

Overbolser. Nancy. and Stary Los. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Robert.

Sharon and Judy and B. Ifarrison: Rev. W. Marlow church will tise "The. Ideal Church as the subjeet of his 'serion Sunday morning The sermon is one 8 series of sermons on the clutch.

Michael Schoatt of Deer Grove Is A visitor in the home of his grandparents Mt. and Mrs. William Farwell. Ar. Mire: Raymond Tresuer of Metcalt were guests Sunday the home.

of Rev. and Mrs. Wesley. Norton. Mrs.

Emery Tresuer Pea turned to her home at Metcalf with them. after spending three weeks. here. Prt. Robert Keiser of Scott Field.

East St. Louis, and. Mrs. Kelser of Sterling were dinner: guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs.

J.D. Flynn. Mr. and: Airs. R.

C. Weber of leta. Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Amerine of Morrison were entertained nt dinner.

Easter in the Mr. and Mrs. Earl- Weber Dixon. Miss Marie Hay and Ralph: Eckel of Sterling were guests Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Jolin Eckel. Mr. and sirs. John Eckel. John, Kness, Mr.

and: Mrs. Lawrence Wetzell of Coleta. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth Burkholder- of Sterling were entertained nt an Enster: dinner in the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Leslie: Wetzell Mr. and Mrs. at. Sterling.

Lloyd Mackey. and family were dinner, guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Stern at Rock Falls and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mackey, sr.

nenr Milledgeville, Mr. -and Mrs. E. R. Frankfother of near.

Coleta were dinner, guests Sunday Frankfother, of LaVern Mr. nnd Mrs. Chester Lenhart entertalned at dinner Easter, Mr. and Mrs. John Hubbard, sr.

and son of: Sterling: Mr. and Mrs. John Hube bard, Deloris Barbara: Darrell Hubbard. Mr. And Mrs.

John Speer, Billie. Jean, Joyce and Jack. Mary Jo Peugh visited several days of last week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W.

W. Fike at Fred Courtright, spent Sunday In the home of Mrs. Ida Courtright: at Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pough tertained at Easter dinner, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles: Davis and daughters Tuesday, March 21, 1951 dean, Jonn. Mars, Martha. Ruth and Johnny and Tommy of Rocks ford Mrs. and Linnie Mrs.

Peugh, Linnle who Pouch. spent sova eral months in the home of hick. son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davts at Rockford res turned to her home here Sunday.

When you know a firm's address, ca but only part: of the name -or less PAGES Here's a way that's unsurpassed for finding all the details -fast! LOOK in the YELLOW PAGES the CLASSIFIED section of your telephone directoryFor the address. and tole: phone numbor when you have the 5rm's name or the name when you have only the address. For unusual products and hard to find services VANETTI'S Open Evenings and Sunday A. M. TELEVISION CONSOLF only $37995 Plus Warrant re Tar and Installation Superli television reception and fine furniture craftsmanship make this beautiful Sparton console an beatable value.

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Article information

Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 6014

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.